No passage scenarios

Each of the models in shadia can be run under the “no passage” scenario. In other words, by specifying upstream passage probabilities of 0 at the lowermost dam(s) in a given river, the user can simulate a scenario in which there is no fish passage at these or any subsequent dams.

This is easily achieved for any of the models by modifying the default value for the first dam in the system using watershed = TRUE, but can also be done in systems with a single lowermost dam with the default watershed = FALSE. The former is recommended to reduce output size and increase speed.

Here is an example using the Penobscot River, with all other user-specified arguments set to their default values:

# Load shadia

# Run the model without passage at any of the dams
no_pass <- penobscotRiverModel(
  nYears = 20,
  upstream = list(milford = 0,
                  howland = 1,
                  westEnfield = 1,
                  brownsMill = 1,
                  moosehead = 1,
                  guilford = 1,
                  weldon = 1),
  watershed = TRUE
WARNING: when watershed is set to TRUE,
    upstream passage rate(s) for Milford Dam will
    be used for all upstream passage efficiencies,
    and downstream passage rates for Stillwater Dam
    will be used for all downstream passage

We could then get the output and plot our result. Of course, this is only a single run, so your results may be very different from what is shown here.

ggplot(no_pass, aes(x = year, y = populationSize)) + geom_line()

If we wanted to do this several hundred times to get outputs that are robust to variability in the input distributions, then we could wrap the call above in a snowfall script.

This might look something like the following (here we use nYears = 20 and niterations = 10, along with default output options such as spatially_explicit_output = FALSE and watershed = TRUE for sake of speed). All passage efficiencies are set to their default value of 1 (100% chance of passage at dams per day) but are specified in the simulation below to show how they are specified by the user.

This simulation takes about 30 seconds to run on a modern laptop. You may wish to increase or reduce the number of cores passed to ncpus in the sfInit() function depending on the number of (virtual) cores available on your processor.

# Load R packages

# Initialize parallel mode using sockets
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=7, type="SOCK")
R Version:  R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29) 

wrapper <- function(model) {

  # Run the model
  res1 <- penobscotRiverModel(
          nYears = 20,
          species = "shad",
          timing = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1),
          upstream = list(
            milford = 0,
            howland = 1,
            westEnfield = 1,
            brownsMill = 1,
            moosehead = 1,
            guilford = 1,
            weldon = 1
          downstream = list(
            stillwater = 1,
            orono = 1,
            milford = 1,
            howland = 1,
            westEnfield = 1,
            brownsMill = 1,
            moosehead = 1,
            guilford = 1,
            weldon = 1
          downstream_juv = list(
            stillwater = 1,
            orono = 1,
            milford = 1,
            howland = 1,
            westEnfield = 1,
            brownsMill = 1,
            moosehead = 1,
            guilford = 1,
            weldon = 1
          pinHarvest = 0,
          inRiverF = 0,
          commercialF = 0,
          bycatchF = 0,
          indirect = 1,
          latent = 1,
          watershed = TRUE,
          k_method = "cumulative",
          sensitivity = FALSE,
          spatially_explicit_output = FALSE,
          output_years = NULL,
          output_p_repeat = FALSE          
  # Define the output lists
    retlist <- list(sim = res1)       

# Export needed data to workers 
# load required packages on workers.
Library shadia loaded.
Library rlecuyer loaded.

# Distribute calculation to workers
# Choose a number of runs here
  niterations <- 10
  start <- Sys.time()

# Use sfLapply() function to send wrapper() to the workers:
  result <- sfLapply(1:niterations, wrapper) 
# Calculate run time
Time difference of 33.84247 secs
# Stop snowfall 

Then we can extract the results and bind them into a dataframe (note this process changes if output options are changed - see other examples for these).


# Extract results list from output list
  out <- lapply(result, function(x) x[[c('sim')]])

# Extract user inputs and population metrics
  resdf <-, out)

We can plot the results by year with confidence intervals if we summarize the data accordingly:

# Load tidyverse

# Summarize by year
plotter <- resdf %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
# Plot
ggplot(plotter, aes(x = year, y = pop)) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(x = year, ymin = lci, ymax = uci), alpha = 0.10) +
  geom_line() +

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